Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

Finding Joy in Darkness: Lessons from “The Swinging Cow” — Featuring Michelle Wilson

In our latest podcast episode of The Story of Our Jesus, we dive deep into how faith can illuminate even our darkest moments. Today, I’m excited to share a bit of my personal journey and bring on a special guest, Michelle Wilson, who has experienced the beauty of relying on Christ through trials. Together, we’ll explore what it means to find joy—even when life feels overwhelming—and how God’s light shines brightest in our darkness.

A Personal Journey of Faith and Discovery

A year ago, I faced one of the hardest challenges of my life. My son, then nine, battled a severe illness that not only affected him physically but changed every aspect of his life. After recovering from COVID, he developed strep-throat. While this seemed treatable, we quickly realized it was the beginning of something much more serious. His immune system started attacking parts of his brain, causing great challenges in his life.

As his condition worsened, it took over our entire family’s life, bringing constant stress and worry. It felt as if there was no end in sight. In a moment of desperation, I prayed to God, pleading for help—and that’s when I felt Him gently remind me that this story wasn’t just about me; it was His story too.

From that moment, I made a commitment to focus on Christ and seek His presence every day. It didn’t solve our problems overnight, but I saw God’s hand even in the smallest things. By turning my heart toward Him, I found moments of light, no matter how dark the days became.

The Swinging Cow: Finding Joy Amidst Trials

One story that has always stayed with me is a lesson I learned years ago in high school about the “swinging cow.” My seminary teacher showed how trials can lead us toward joy by swinging a small toy cow on a string. The further it was pushed in one direction, the further it would swing back the other way. This lesson symbolized that the deeper our trials, the more joy we can experience once we reach the other side. It’s a message I return to often, especially now.

Welcoming Michelle Wilson: Lessons from Letting Go

In today’s episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Michelle Wilson, a wife, mother, and inspirational author. Michelle shared how her faith in Christ deepened when her son went on a mission to Pennsylvania. She described a night when she missed several urgent calls from him, only to listen to a tearful voicemail in which he said, “Mom, I need you.”

This moment broke her heart, and she turned to God in anger, questioning why He would allow her son to experience such pain. In that moment, she felt God whisper, “I do know,” reminding her of the ultimate sacrifice He made by sending His only Son. Michelle’s experience brought a new depth to her faith and allowed her to understand the love and empathy of her Heavenly Father.

Holding Onto Faith in Everyday Life

In another moving experience, Michelle described attending a women’s conference where Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave an apostolic blessing. Sitting in the front row, Michelle felt the Spirit so strongly. This reminder of His presence has become a stake in her tent of faith—a memory she draws on in difficult times.

These stories remind us of the importance of writing our experiences with God. Like Alma and Helaman repeatedly remind us in the scriptures: “Remember, remember.” Our memories of God’s grace give us strength to face future trials with courage and faith.

Trading the Burden of “Enough” for “Sufficient”

As we wrapped up our conversation, Michelle shared insights from her latest book, Perfecting Christ: Trading the Burden of Enough for the Beauty of Sufficient. She explained that too often, we strive to be “enough” when what Christ really asks of us is to have sufficient faith, hope, humility, and repentance. It’s not about perfection; it’s about opening our hearts to Him and allowing His grace to fill our lives.

Finding Joy in Christ’s Love

In closing, I’m reminded of Ammon from the Book of Mormon, who felt such joy after teaching the Lamanites that he was overcome with emotion. Despite witnessing immense suffering, he found a deep joy in knowing that those he loved had come to know Christ.

It’s my hope that Michelle’s stories—and my own—will inspire you to seek Christ’s light, especially if you’re walking through a season of darkness. Remember, God’s love is relentless, and His joy is always available to us.

As Elder Uchtdorf said, let us “seek the higher joy” by drawing near to Christ. He lives, He loves us, and through Him, we can find joy even in our hardest moments.

Stay Connected with Michelle Wilson

If you’d like to hear more from Michelle, follow her on social media at @authorMWilson or visit her website, michellewilsonwrites.com. Her message and insights offer hope and strength for anyone seeking a closer relationship with Christ.

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