Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

Share Your Story

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Help others see that He is here!

We're looking for small, simple moments when you've felt the love of Jesus in your everyday life. These little rays are brief stories, only one paragraph long, and will be used for social media posts or daily emails to uplift others.

Here are a few examples of the types of rays/moments we are looking for:

-While sitting on the floor crying over a galllon of spilled milk, I received a phone call from a neighbor offering me an extra gallon of milk they had.

-I felt prompted to help someone, to then have that person be an answer to the pleas of many prayers I had made to my Heavenly Father.

-While driving through the canyon marveling at the magnificient fall colors the spirit overwhelmed me with the truth and love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

(Submitted paragraphs may have more detail than these examples. These are just the example of the type of moments we are wanting to share)

Submission Details

Please enter your contact details. We will notify you when your rays will be shared. Please also mark whether you would like your name included with your shared story or if you would like it to remain anonymous.
Author Credit
We can include one link in your posts/email. This could link to websites or social media pages.

Create a Post

Please submit your little ray/moment by using the fields below.
Post Content
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
You may provide one photo to be included in your post or email. By submitting you verify that you own the rights to share this photo.
Clear Signature
By signing and submitting your story and/or photo, you grant us the right to share your submission on our social media platforms, website, and through email communications. This allows us to use your contribution to inspire and uplift others as a part of our ongoing efforts. Thank you for sharing!