Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

What did I do to deserve this

What did I do to deserve this

I live in a house full of boys. I am the only girl, if you aren’t counting my dog. It can get pretty crazy sometimes. Really, what it is, is near constant chaos. Mixed with a few calm moments when no one is home.

One day all of us were together, happily playing. It got so crazy. Everyone was yelling like crazy (luckily the good kind of yelling) It was loud. Things were flying everywhere. The chaos was so intense our house was literally shaking.

Jokingly, I threw my hands in the air and asked all my boys, “What did I do to deserve this???”

As everyone was laughing the phrase kept repeating in my head. But instead of a question it became more and more a statement. I became more somber as the phrase kept repeating, what did I do to deserve this!

My heart started pounding as I realized the bigger picture of what I had said. I looked around my home, filled with a husband and loving children. Laughter. Joy. And so many things both temporal and…other. And really, what had I done to deserve this. All these amazing blessings. These gifts.

I am unworthy.

The answer to the question I hadn’t even asked, came to me. I love you.

He loves us!

He gives us all we have.

At times it might be easy to look at the chaos in our lives and question in despair, what did I do to deserve this.

But I suggest taking a deeper look. Look at the big picture of your life. And ask again, what have I done to deserve this!

In the nicest way possible, nothing. We don’t do anything in particular, but…

You are a child of a God and of a Savior that loves you.

And because of that alone, they will always show their love to you each day.

You have been given everything you have, because they love you.

We are blessed. It is as simple as that.

Today, I am going to find a way to show my Savior that I love Him too.

What can we do to repay our Savior for the endless love He shows us each day?