Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments



In the past year or two I have heard and seen the word manifest all over the place.

Apparently, it is something the cool kids say, or do, or believe… or something like that. It is so cool it was the “buzzword” for Gen Z back in 2022. Only I’m not cool… or Gen Z… and I am way behind the times.

So, this week when I was reading in the Doctrine in Covenants and came across the term manifest (manifesteth), I decided it was time for me to learn what the hype is all about.

I know the basics. Manifesting is showing something through words, actions, or appearance that makes it clearly understood. But there must be more to explain why it is such a big deal.

Searching through tabloids, articles, and even an urban dictionary helped me gain a better understanding. It all started with saying you wanted something and then it happened, but it evolved to much more. After the detailed research I had four definitions written down that helped me with the understanding of why manifesting is so hyped and “cool”.

  1. Manifesting is hoping for something until it comes true.
  2. Manifest derives from manufestus (Latin) which means plain to see, repetitive, evident, readily understood.
  3. To manifest you mix strong emotions with repetitive thoughts to create new beliefs.
  4. Manifesting is a change in perspective.

With those thoughts in mind I reread the verse in Doctrine & Covenants:

D&C 21:9 For, behold, I will bless those that labor in my vineyard with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on my words, which are given him through me by the Comforter, which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world, yea for the remission of sins unto the contrite hearts.

The spirit manifests of the atonement of Christ.

The spirit provides hope until we know the Atonement is true. The spirit makes the Atonement plain to understand. The spirit provides strong feelings and repetitive thoughts of the Atonement to create within us new beliefs. The spirit helps the Atonement create a change in our life.

As I pondered these thoughts I just knew to manifest is to develop a testimony.

Manifestations are testimonies granted by the spirit.

Rereading the verse one last time, again with these thoughts on my mind, I noticed the word manifestesth had a footnote. I looked it up and low and behold it said…


I think Heavenly Father may have purposely blinded my eyes to that footnote the first several times I read it. Providing an opportunity to put the scripture’s words into practice.

I was able to have the spirit manifest to me in my research not only the truth of the manifestation, but of our Savior, Jesus Christ’s incredible act of atoning for our sins.

I testify that the spirit can provide clear understanding and changes in our life and that because of this understanding I have come to know that Jesus Christ bled and died for me and each of us.

I am all on board with manifesting.

I hope we can all feel the spirit’s manifestations more.