Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

Let your joy sink deep into their hearts!

Let your joy sink deep into their hearts!
Jesus, The Source of Joy By: Ivan Guaderrama

I have always loved the story of Enos.

Like many, I hear Enos and my thoughts go directly to prayer.

The man who prayed, no wrestled, all through the day and all through the night. Prayers for himself, his people, and even his enemies. Prayers so fervent and so faithful that he heard the voice of the Lord and granted the desires of his heart.

One part of Enos’s story that has always stood out to me, was the reason he desired to pray in this manner.

His father. We learn that his father taught him concerning the Lord and eternal life.

While studying this story and about his father who taught him of the Lord, I found one short line that I had never noticed before.

Enos 1:3 -4

…the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. And my soul hungered…

And the joy of the saints.

His father taught him important principles. And he saw the joy these principle brought into the lives of those living them.

Their joy made him hunger to have this in his life as well.

We can teach others. We can share the words of God. But we must not forget to share our joy.

Everyone can do this! There is nothing holding you back. You can be the one to show others joy. You can be the one who makes this joy sink deep into other’s hearts. You can be the one to help others hunger for the joy of the Savior in their own life.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

May we all seek and find the higher joy that comes from devoting our lives to our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son