Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

How can Jesus help us endure to the end?

How can Jesus help us endure to the end?

This past week I sat in the doctor’s office getting an x-ray for a broken toe. 

I jokingly made fun of myself for being able to break my toe by taking too big of a step.

“Getting older is hard,” I told myself.

I’m not really that old, but sitting there with my third broken toe in seven years made me feel pretty old.

The doctor believes the reason it broke so easily was partially because one of those previous breaks left my toe weakened.

I have thought lots about the doctor’s comment since then; how, over time, each injury weakens our body and makes us more susceptible.

Our spirits face the same problem.

Each year we live exposes us more to the world and away from the heaven we came from.

As we face trials, it leaves us with wounds ready to be reopened and re-injured with each further trial we face.

As we give into temptations, Satan works even harder from that moment on to get us to succumb to those same temptations again and again.

As we deal with doubt, we open ourselves to more and more doubt as more questions arise.

It seems the age old saying- time heals all wounds- might not be as true as we hoped.

Realizing this makes the commandment of enduring to the end seem like an impossible task.

How can I, can we, bear the continual weight that time adds to our spirits?

We can’t.

That is… we can’t do it on our own.

In His merciful plan, God prepared a way for us to endure all the way until the end.

He gave His Son as a sacrifice.

How can Jesus help us endure to the end?

He can keep us connected to heaven with the gift of the Holy Ghost.

By yoking our burdens to Him, He can relieve us of the load of what we are required to carry.

He can remove the sting of pain from our lives, being a balm to our soul in time of sorrow.

Christ can heal us. Through His infinite Atonement, he can take our injuries, even those self-inflicted, and heal them completely. Leaving us as strong, or stronger, than we were before. Strengthening our weaknesses to better help us stand against the fights we face during our mortal life.

Although time cannot heal all wounds, Christ can.

Christ can provide us all we need to endure to the end.

He is the ‘way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by him.’ John 14:6