I recently found a social media post that I wrote a few years back. Rereading I was grateful for the glorious reminder of my Savior’s love. We can never be reminded too much. As I deal with the same challenges as I did then, I know I can make it through. Because He already has.
This past week I have been weighed down by the many challenges of this mortal existence. We all have challenges. We even know why we have challenges. But some days the knowledge isn’t enough to relieve the weight of the burdens we carry.
I was feeling overwhelmed by the burdens of parenting two beautiful special needs children and the many physical limitations we sometimes face without mortal bodies.
I was truly at a loss at how I would continue to carry these burdens through the remainder of my mortal existence.
Yesterday, as I partook of the Sacrament and placed the bread in my mouth, it hurt.
I had placed the bread directly on a small insignificant sore in my mouth.
My brain immediately shouted out, “Ouch, that really hurts!”
And then a loving voice responded to my thoughts,
“I know.”
I was instantly filled with the love of our Savior. I knew without a doubt that it wasn’t only about the sore in my mouth, but an answer to many worries and anxieties I had been pondering all week long.
He knows.
He knows the weight of each and every challenge we are facing.
He knows; because He too carried these same burdens.
He carried the weight on His back so that we would not need to carry the weight on our own.
Brother and Sisters.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the challenges you are facing, turn to the Savior.
He is waiting arms open to share in the weight of our burdens.
We do not need to do it alone. We do not need to carry the full weight.
He has done it and He knows.