Encounter Christ in Everyday Moments

How I found Jesus with a green grape.

How I found Jesus with a green grape.

How did I find Jesus in a green grape?

I was making lunch for my son one day. One of his favorite foods is green grapes. Our bag of grapes was getting kind of old, but leaving them off his plate was not an option.

The grapes did not make things easy for me. It was taking great effort to pull each individual grape off its stem. It seemed to take forever to get a handful ready. Maybe not forever, but minutes. Way longer than I felt it should take.

I rinsed them and as I went to dry them, one little grape popped out of my hand and rolled away.

Quickly, I set down my handful to go after the one little grape that got away. Almost desperately, I whispered to myself, “I worked too hard for you to get lost now.”

This grape meant something to me.

Don’t worry, at this moment I also realized how weird that sounded.  

Until I realized it wasn’t weird at all.

It was Jesus, my Savior, telling me those words.

I spent a lifetime on you. Spent literal blood, sweat, and tears for you. You mean something to me. I will not lose you now.

If you feel lost, he is reaching for you. He will not let you out of His sight. He will not lose you now.